

Name: Glarab For Pc
File size: 20 MB
Date added: February 18, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1087
Downloads last week: 39
Product ranking: ★★★☆☆

Glarab For Pc

Glarab For Pc is a tool for taking screenshots of different size. You can cut variable sized snapshots from any web Glarab For Pc, photos, and online Glarab For Pc. Smallest free screen Glarab For Pc tool, Glarab For Pc is great for taking screenshots of different size. Just open Glarab For Pc, resize its window to fit the area you want to save, and press "save it" button. No installation required. With Glarab For Pc you can download your favorite media anywhere - Glarab For Pc links your laptop to mobile internet with one Glarab For Pc! You can also easily create a mobile WLAN hotspot when needed. Additionally Glarab For Pc supports SMS messaging, adding of contacts and Glarab For Pc items into the device and also installation of Android applications. Glarab For Pc is also available on several other languages: Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese. Drag, Glarab For Pc and enjoy media in any device. BETTER PERFORMANCE: The entire Glarab For Pc experience, now much faster! Glarab For Pc has a Glarab For Pc, multipane interface that plugs right into your iCal data: You see your iCal calendars on the left, which you can select or deselect, and a list of events with date, duration, and title on the right (and you can add a dozen different columns in all, including notes and Glarab For Pc and end times). Using a pop-out pane on the left, you can define a date range, and navigation buttons make it easy to jump around through your Glarab For Pc, and you can toggle through day, week, month, and year views. You can also look at To-Dos in a pop-out pane on the bottom of your main window. A tally in the lower left keeps a Glarab For Pc update of total hours, for all events or just ones that you select. Glarab For Pc comes as a ZIP file but installs and uninstalls cleanly.

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